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Karen supported me with my industrial application process. Her impact allowed me to project myself out into the business world by making myself more presentable in a professional manner. Her guidance has been invaluable.
Karen's support really meant a lot to me, and it has given me the motivation to do my best. Thank you very much for being by my side and giving me support physically and virtually. I will always remember your kinds actions and words.
Team members
I know Karen as an experienced manager, well structured, to the point and with attention to detail. In projects she organized migrations or workshops perfectly with all details right. As a person she is friendly, enthusiastic, hospitable, patient, sensible and bold.
Karen is talented, focused and extremely passionate in the varied roles she has undertaken. Karen is always willing to go that extra mile when it comes to providing support to her colleagues, something which I too appreciated on many occasions. Whatever tasks Karen is assigned, it is always approached in a professional manner, and it has always been a pleasure working with her.
I have worked with Karen for many years. Karen first inspired me with the social programme she set up in Central-Asia. She is kind and I would say driven by projects that make a difference. Her knowledge on cultural differences across the region in which she works is always a perspective I welcome.